# Entaxy features install ### Alternative languages [Russian](README.ru.md) ### Introduction You need several steps for Entaxy features installation. Use Java 11+. ### Build You will need to compile this example first: mvn install ### Run To run the example on Apache Karaf 4.x or newer #### Step 1: Karaf Launch the server karaf / karaf.bat #### Step 2: DB Setup If use docker: docker run --name entaxy_db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=entaxy -e POSTGRES_USER=entaxy -e POSTGRES_DB=cache -d postgres #### Step 3: Add features Add features required feature:repo-add mvn:ru.entaxy.esb/karaf-features/LATEST/xml/features feature:install liquibase-updater feature:install entaxy-esb-api Install nsi feature:install nsi Install permission feature:install permission Install system-registry feature:install system-registry Install system-group-registry feature:install system-group-registry Install system-group-profile install -s blueprint:mvn:ru.entaxy.esb.integration.esb.test.profiles/test-profiles/1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/g_test Install bridge feature:install bridge Install basic-auth feature:install basic-auth Install events feature:install events Useful comand for dev bundle:watch mvn:ru.entaxy.esb/nsi-esb/1.0-SNAPSHOT #### Step 4: Verify that your service is available using the following url in the browser. We assume you're using Karaf's default PAX Web configuration which uses port `8181` for http. If you would like to use another port or https, change the configuration in `${KARAF_HOME}/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg`. The immediate extension after the hostname and port ("cxf" in the below URL) is configured via the org.apache.cxf.osgi.cfg file (Please see [http://team.ops4j.org/wiki//display/paxweb/Pax+Web](http://team.ops4j.org/wiki//display/paxweb/Pax+Web) for more information on PAX Web). [http://localhost:8181/cxf/xdto/NSI?wsdl](http://localhost:8181/cxf/xdto/NSI?wsdl) #### Step 5: Start SOAPUI or Postman POST request to http://localhost:8181/cxf/xdto/NSI Send test request: Response contains GUID, copy it and send request for get result: {GUID} #### Step 6: Check the file system and DB Check the folder "target/inbox/" in the Karaf base directory to see that a message has arrived. ### Forum, Help, etc If you hit an problems please let us know on the Camel Forums Please help us make Apache Camel better - we appreciate any feedback you may have. Enjoy! The Camel riders! ## Reinstall bin/karaf clean shell:source install.karaf ## Tests #### Install npm install -g newman #### Run cd test newman run "Entaxy Integration Tests.postman_collection.json" -e "entaxy dev proxy.postman_environment.json" or newman run "Entaxy Integration Tests.postman_collection.json" --env-var base_url= #### CXF logging messages config:property-set -p org.apache.cxf.features.logging enabled true and after restart bundle with cxf service